When is Pashankusha Ekadashi date in 2012?, 2012 Pashankusha Ekadashi date, Date of Pashankusha Ekadashi in 2012
Ekadashi is a Sanskrit word which means eleven. Hence the eleventh day of the bright fortnight of the Aswayuja month of Ashwayuja sukla paksha Ekadashi of the lunar calendar is observed as Pashankusha Ekadashi. Pashankusha Ekadashi date for the year 2012 is 25th October 2012 ,Thursday.
Ekadashi is considered as auspicious by the devotees of Lord Vishnu as Ekadashi is a favorite day of Lord Vishnu. They observe the Ekadashi day as a sacred day and observe the Ekadashi Vrat to please Lord Vishnu. Devotees of Lord Vishnu would visit the temple and seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu.
As the name of the Ekadashi suggests it is a ankush(controller) of Papa and hence the name Pashankusha Ekadashi. It is also known as Papankusha Ekadashi.
Devotees observe the Ekadashi Vrat Vidhanam.
Ekadashi Vrat Katha has to be read to known the significance of the Ekadashi Vrat.
The other Ekadashi in the month of October is Indira or Indra Ekadashi .
Pashankusha Ekadashi is also known as Papankusha Ekadashi or Pasankusha Ekadashi.