When is Naga Panchami 2018?, Naga Panchami 2018 date, Nag Panchami 2018
Naga Panchami is on the fifth day 0r Panchami of the waxing phase of the moon called as Sukla Paksha of the Month of Shravana as per the Telugu calendar. Naga Panchami is celebrated on Wednesday, 15th August 2018. Naga Panchami is the day that is celebrated with great devotion all over India.
Devotees worship Snake on Naga Panchami to protect them form any Naga Dosha that they might have knowingly or unknowingly performed. Devotees visit a nearest temple and offer their prayers. Devotees on this day also visit snake pits and offer milk and eggs to the Snake God.
Garuda Panchami is also celebrated on the same day as Naga Panchami.