Sankatahara Chaturthi, Sankashti Vrat, Sankashti Ganesh Chaturthi September 2015 Date, When is Sankashti Chaturthi in September 2015?, Sankashti Chaturthi Fast Date
Sankashti Chaturthi vrat is observed on the fourth day of the dark fortnight of every hindu lunar month. Prime diety of this festival is Lord Ganesha. this month sankashti chaturthi is on Tuesday, 01st September 2015.
On Sankashti Chaturthi day, People observe fast for the whole day. They break the fast after chandra darshan. Devotees visit temples and perform special pujas at homes and temples. Reading Ganesha Arthava sheersha and Ashtottaram considered auspicious during this day.
Devotees also read the Sankashti Chaturhti Vrat katha on this day, and here is the process of Sankashti Chaturthi vrat.