When is Mokshada Ekadashi 2012, Mukkoti Ekadashi date 2012, Mokshada Ekadasi 2012 date, Mokshada Ekadasi in 2012 date, Mokshada Ekadashi date 2012, Swarga Vathil Ekadashi of 2012, Vaikunta Ekadasi 2012 date, Mokshada Ekadasi 2012 date is 23rd December 2012, 23rd December 2012 is Mokshada Ekadasi.
The Ekadasi of the bright fort night of the Margasira Month of the lunar calendar or the Sukla Paksha Ekadasi of the Margasira Masam is celebrated as Mokshada Ekadasi or Vaikunta Ekadasi or Mukkoti Ekadasi. The Tamil month in which Mokshada Ekadasi occurs is Margazhi Month as per the Tamil calendar. The Mokshada Ekadasi 2012 date is 23rd December 2012.
Ekadasi is an auspicious day for the devotees of Lord Vishnu. Ekadasi as per a legend is none other than the Goddess that was a result of the inner power of Lord Vishnu. Goddess Ekadasi was born on the eleventh day of the month and hence that day is named after Goddess Ekadasi.
As per the boon given by Lord Vishnu to Goddess Ekadasi,whoever observes the Ekadasi Vrat would be dearer to Lord Vishnu and would get Moksha or Salvation. Hence devotees of Lord Vishnu would observe the Ekadasi Vrat to please Lord Vishnu. The process of how to observe the Ekadasi Vrat can be read at “Ekadashi Vrat Vidhanam”.
It is believed that by observing the Ekadasi Vrat on Mokshada Ekadasi one would get the virtue of observing the Ekadasi Vrat on all the other Ekadasi of the year. Hence most of the devotees would try to observe the Ekadasi Vrat on Mokshada Ekadasi or Vaikunta Ekadasi or Mukkotk Ekadasi.
Devotees also read the Mokshada Ekadasi Vrat Katha.
It is adviced that devotees observe the Ekadasi Vrat on Mokshada Ekadasi and become dearer to Lord Vishnu and lead a happy and prosperous life.