Kedara Vrat Dates 2012, Kedara Vratha Dates 2012, When is Kedara Vrat in 2012?, When is Kedara Vratha in 2012 ?, Kedareshwara Vrat date 2012, Kedara Vrat date for 2012 is 13th November 2012.
Kedara Vrat is to be observed on Aswayuja or Ashwin Sukla Ashtami, the eight day of the waxing phase of the moon in the month of Aswayuja or Ashwin of Telugu Calendar. This year Kedara Vrat starts on 22nd October 2012 and ends on 13th November2012.
Kedara Vrat has to be observed for 21 days. Kedareshwara vrat or Kedara Vrat is observed by women for long and happy married life. Kedareshwara vrat or Kedara Vrat is believed to bring wealth and prosperity to the women who performs this. It is believed that by performing Kedareshwara vrat or Kedara Vrat Goddess Parvati was able to get half body of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva from then onwards is also known as ArdhaNaareeshwara.
Now a days the Kedara Vrat or Kedareshwara Vrat is observed only on the Aswayuja Amavasya or Diwali.