Kala Ashtami, Kalashtami March 2014 Date, Kalashtami Vrata Date, Kalastami Fast, Kalashtami Calender, Masik Kalashtami day, Monthly Kalastami Date
Kala Bhairava is the fierce manifestation of lord Shiva. Every month Krisha Paksha Ashtami is dedicated to God Kalabhirava. People observed Kalashtami Vrat on this day. Devotees keep fast on this day, visit kalabhairav temples and worship Lord Kalabhirav. In this month, Kalashtami is on Sunday, 23rd March 2014.
Kala Bhairava devotees do not sleep on Kalashtami day. They read or listen to stories of the god and chant Kala Bhairava Ashtakam. Ancestor rituals also can be performed on this day. Kala Bhairav Jayanti is also a kalshtami day of the Margasira month.
Also See Kalastami Vrat Vidhi.