Kala Ashtami, Kalashtami June 2014 Date, Kalashtami Vrata Date, Kalastami Fast, Kalashtami Calender, Masik Kalashtami day, Monthly Kalastami Date
Kalashtami vrat is celebrated once in a Hindu lunar month. It is also known as Masik kalashtami vrat or monthly kalashtami fast. This vrat is observed on the krishna paksha ashtami day i,e on the eighth day of waning moon period. This vrat is dedicated to Lord Shiva, who took the incarnation of Kala Bhairava. Lord Kala Bhairava. is also known as the Kshetrapalaka (protector) of Varanasi. This month, Kala Ashtami is observed on Thursday, 19th June 2014.
On Kalashtami day fast is observed, dead ancestors are remembered and pujas are performed for them. The most significant kalashtami is Kala Bhairava Jayanti and celebrated in the month of Margashira.
Also See Kalastami Vrat Vidhi.