Angaraki in January 2013, Angarak Chouth in 1st January 2013, When is Angarika Sankashti in 2013?, Ganesh Angarak Chouth, Angaraka Sankatahara Chaturthi January 2013 Date
Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat is observed on fourth day of krishna paksha during each lunar month. When Sankashti Chaturthi comes on Tuesday, it is celebrated as Angaraki Chaturthi. In 2013, first angarika chaturthi is on 1st January, 2013 i.e on New Year Day.
Ganesha Devotees consider Angarika Chaturthi is highly auspicious. They observe fast for the entire day. They broke fast only after the moonrise ganesh darshan. This Angarika Chaturthi falls right on the new year day, It is celebrated in grand manner by devotees and temples.
Next Angarika Chaturhti is on 28th May 2013. You can get more Dates of Angarika Chaturthi 2013
Also see Moonrise or Chandrodaya Timings of Angarika Chaturthi (1st January 2013)