Puja or Pooja is classified based on number of Upachara’s that are performed. Upacharas is a Sanskrit word which means Sevas.
1. Pnachopachara Puja (Performing Five upachara’s)
2. Ashtopachara Puja (Performing Eight upachara’s)
3. Dashopachara Puja (Performing Ten upachara’s)
4. Shodashopachara Puja (Performing Sixteen upachara’s)
5. Trimsati Upachara Puja (performing Thirty Upachara’s)
6. chatushasti upachara Puja (Performing Sixty Four upachara’s)
Here are some of Upchara’s
Dhyanam – Meditating on the lord
Avahanam – Chanting the Lord’s name
Padyam – Washing the Lord’s feet etc.
All these are performed as if the God has physically come to the devotees house and the devotee in Devotion is taking good care of the God.