This is the Ekadashi that comes in the kirshna paksha (the phase towards full moon) month of Asadha of the telugu calendar. This is consider to be the day on which Lord Vishnu retires to sleep. It is a legend that the year is divided into two, Uttarayana and Dakshinayana. And each half is equal to one complete day for Gods. Therefore Uttarayana is day and Dakshinayan is night for Lord Vishnu and it is believed that it is on this day that Vishnu goes to sleep.
This is also called as Devsayan Ekadashi or Shayan Ekadashi or Ashada Sukla Ekadashi or Saynai Ekadashi.
The date of Tholi Ekadashi this year is 30th June.
This is also the start date for the Chaturmas Vrat.