Month in Telugu is called as Maasamu ( approx 30 days) as is Paksham (15 days)
Climate/Season in Telugu is called as Ruthuvu
The following are the telugu months
- Chitra Massam called as Chaitram
- Vishaka Massam called as Vishakam
- Jaistha/Jeystha Massam called as Jaistham/Jeystham
- Ashada Massam called as Ashadam
- Sravana Massam called as Sravanam
- Bhadrapada Massam called as Bhadrapadam
- Asweeja Massam called as Asweejam
- Kaartheeka/Karthika Massam called as Kaartheekam/Karthikam
- Maargasira Massam called as Maargasiram
- Pushyam Massam called as Pushyam
- Magha Massam called as Magham
- Phalguna Massam called as Phalgunam
The months start with Ugadi the telugu new year and the climates (ruthuvulu) are divided as follows:
1. Vasanth ruthuvu : Chitram and Vishakham.
In this all the tress start to blossom like spring
2. Greshma ruthuvu : Jeyshtam and Ashadam
This season is hot and sunny. summer
3. Varsha ruthuvu : Sravanam and Bhadrapadam
This is Rainy season
4. Sarad ruthuvu : Asweejam and Kartheekam.
This season there will cloudless sky and one can enjoy the full moon basically moon light.
5. Hemantha ruthuvu : Maargasira and Pushyam
This season is like the winter, snow fall and cold waves
6. Sasira Ruthuvu : Magham and Phalgunam
This season trees shed leaves and getting ready for a new life and that marks the start of the year after the end of this season.
Geetha Sindhuri
Apr 05. 2015
I think hemantham is autumn and sisiram is winter and not the other way around?