Shodasa Gauri Vrat, Shodasa Gowri Vrat.
The Shodasa Gauri Vrat should be performed on the Tritiya or Truthiya of the Sukla Paksha of the Bhadrapada Month of the telugu calendar.
Shodasa means sixteen, and as the name suggests this Vrat has to be perfomed as follows:
Sixteen Rangolis are to be drawn on the flower and on each rangoli a Deepam or Diya has to be placed.
Sixteen Namaskarams and Sixteen Pradikshinas are to be done.
A Thoram made of sixteen threads has to be tied to the wrist.
Sixteen varieties of recipes(Pindi Vantalu) are to be given as Vaayanam to a Married Women.
Read the story of the Shodasa Gauri Vrat Kadha.
This has to be repeated for sixteen years.
On the last year,i.e on the sixteenth year women have to donate 32(16 pairs) of Chatalu, along with sixteen kinds of recipes to sixteen different Married Women.
This is one among the different Vrats that are performed to Goddess Gauri. It is believed that by performing the Shodasa Gauri Vrat a women would be blessed with a happy and long married life, good Children and Grand Children, wealth and prosperity, name and fame.