Shanishchara Jayanti 2014, When is Shani Jayanti in 2014?, Sani jayanthi 2014 Date, Shani Jayanti Date, Sani Jayanti Date, Lord Shani Birth day
Shani jayanti is celebrated as a birthday of the Lord Shani allover world. Planet Saturn is considered as Lord Shani. He is son of the Sun God and his wife Chaya. According to Purnimant calenders, Shani Jayanti is observed on the new moon day in the hindu lunar month of Jyesta. In Amavasyant calenders, it falls in the month of Vaishakha. This year, Shani Jayanti is on Wednesday, 28th May 2014. This day Coincides with the Vat savitri Vrat.
People observe fast during Shani jayanti day. Shani Jayanti is considered auspicious for perform yagna and Havan. Shani Tailabhishekam and Shani Shanthi puja are the other major rituals performed during this day. People believe that those who worship Lord Shani on shani Jayanti day will be relieved from sade sathi and shani dosha.