When is Sankashti Chaturthi date in December 2012?, December 2012 Sankashti Chautrthi date, Date of Sankashti Chaturthi in 2012 December, Sankashti 2012 December, 2012 December Sankashti Chaturthi date, Sankata Hara Chaturhti date for 2012,Significance of 2nd December 2012, Sankashti Chaturti date for December 2012 is 2nd December 2012.
The chaturthi of the dark fortnight of every month is observed as Sankashti Chaturthi or The Chaturthi of the Krishna Paksha of a month is observed as Sankashti Chaturthi. Sankashti Chaturthi December 2012 Date is 2nd December 2012.
Sankashti Chaturthi is an auspicious day on which devotees worship Lord Ganesha or Vinayaka the head of Vighnas or obstacles. It is believed that by worshiping Lord Ganesha on Sankashti Chaturthi would help a devotee overcome all his Sankats or difficulties and would help him lead a happy and prosperous life.
Devotees also observe the Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat which helps them to gain virtue and also get rid of all the sins done. The Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat Vidhan or Puja process of Sankashti Chaturthi can be read at “Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat Vidhanam or Vidhi“.
Devotees also read the Sankashti Chaturhti Vrat katha which can be read at “Sankasthi Chaturthi Vrat Katha“.
By observing Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat a devotees would get the blessings of Lord Ganesha and would have a happy life.
The other name by which Sankashti Chaturthi is known is Sankata Hara Chatruthi.
Angarika Chaturhti is in the next month i.e January of 2013. You can get more information of Angarika Chaturthi dates for 2013 at “ Angarika Chaturthi dates 2013“.