Parsva or Parsava Ekadasi date 2018, When is Parsava Ekadasi?, When is Parsva Ekadasi?
Parsva or Parsava Ekadashi is the eleventh day of the Bhadrapada Month or Bhadrapada sukla paksha Ekadashi. This year Parsava Ekadashi will be celebrated on Thursday, 20th September 2018.
Parsva Ekadashi is the ekadashi that occurs in the period of chaturmas vrat and hence is given higher importance. During Parsava Ekadashi devotees would observe a fast for the whole day. Water is also not taken and a strict fast is observed. Devotees would stay awake the whole night of Parsava Ekadashi enchanting the name of Lord Vishnu or Lord Vamana.
Parsava Ekadashi is also known as Parvartini or Parivartana Ekadashi, Vamana Ekadashi , Jayanti Ekadashi.
Visiting of Vishnu temples is considered to be auspicious during Parsava Ekadashi. Worshipping Lord Vamana the incarnation of Lord Vishnu is highly auspicious.
Also See Parsva Ekadashi Story.