Parshuram Jayanthi Date, When is Parshuram Jayanti in 2034?, Parashuram Jayanti 2034, Vaishakh Shukla Paksha Tritiya, 20th April 2034
Gord Parshuram was born on third day of waxing moon period of Vaishakh masam. This day is celebrated as Lord Parshuram Jayanti. If tritiya prevails over two days, it is observed on the day when it prevails in the evening time. This year, Every year, Parshuram Jayanti is on Thursday, 20th April 2034. It is almost coincides with the akshaya tritiya.
Parashuram is the sixth avatar of God Vishnu. He is the son of Raja Prasen jit’s daughter Renuka and Sage Jamdagni. This festival is celebrated in God vishnu temples through out the world. People observe fast on this day and Shobha yatras, pujas and rituals are also organized.