Narada Jayanthi Date, Narad Jayanti 2042 Date, When is Narada Jayanti in 2042?, 6th May 2042
Narada Jayanti is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Sage Narada. Brahmarshi Narada is a divine messenger and can visit any loka at will. He is believed to be the first journalist on the Earth. His inform creates trouble for the betterment of the Universe. He is believed as the author of the Pancharatra.
Narada is a devotee of Narayana. Narada Jayanti is celebrated with much enthusiasm in lord vishnu Temples. People observe fast and praise narada on this day. Devotees read texts related to narada and organize discussions. prasadam is distributed after the celebrations.
Narada jayanti is observed on the next day of Buddha jayanti (Vaishaka Purnima) i.e on Jyeshta krishna paksha pratipada (Purnimant) or Vaishaka Bahula padyami (amavasyant). This year, Narada Jayanti is on Tuesday, 6th May 2042.