When is Magha Masam in 2016?, Magha Month Dates 2016, Magha Month 2016, Magh Maas Dates, Magh Mahina 2016 Dates, When is Magha month in 2016?, Magh Mahina Dates
Magha Masam is the eleventh month among the Hindu lunar months. This month is dedicated to Sun god. Full moon day of this month is known as Magha Purnima. Hindu lunar months are named according to the star, which is nearer to the moon during the full moon day of that month.
There are two types of lunar months which are used in India. The one type of lunar month (Amavasyant) ends on new moon day and the other type of lunar month (Purnimant) ends on full moon day. This year, Purnimant Magha Masam Starts on 25th January 2016 and ends on 23rd February 2016, Amavasyant Magha masam starts on 9th February 2016 and ends on 9th March 2016.