When is Sri Krishna Janmashtami 2013 ? , Janmashtami 2013 date ?
Janmashtami is the birthday of Lord Sri Krishna. Janma is birth and the day is Ashtami, the eight day of the lunar calendar. Janmashtami or Krishnashtami is celebrated on 28th August 2013.
Janmashtami occurs on Shravana Bahula Ashtami or Shravana Krishna Paksha Ashtami. It is the eight day of the waning moon phase of the month of Shravan. Janmashtami is celebrated with lot of devotion. Devotees celebrated Janmashtami by worshiping Lord Krishna. The main ritual inovlves breaking of Dahi Handi,which is also known as Utti. On Janmashtami this Utti breaking ceremony is also known as Gopalkala.