When is Gudi Padwa in 2041?, Gudi Padwa 2041, Gudi Padwa Date, Gudhi Padwa 2041, Gudi Padva Date
The first day of the waxing moon phase of the Chaitra month of the lunar calendar or Chaitra sukla paksha Padyami is observed as Gudi Padwa. Gudi Padwa of this year will be celebrated on Monday, 1st April, 2041.
The Marathi new year begins on Gudi Padwa. Gudi Padwa is celebrated with lot of fun and enthusiam is Maharashtra. On Gudi Padwa a Gudi is put on disply at a window or terrace or in front of the house of every household of Maharashtra. A Gudi is made by tying a bright yellow or green with zari in the border along with Mango twig, Neem leaves, Ghatti(Sugar crystals). Then a Silver or Copper pot is kept in an inverted position on top of the Bamboo stick. This Gudi is displayed prominently from every house in Maharashtra.
Also during Gudi Padwa a paste made from Neem leaves, Jaggery and Tamiring is prepared and eaten. Puran Poli and Shrikand are the main dishes prepared during Gudi Padwa. The other names with which the new year is celebrated in different parts of the country are Ugadi, Cheti Chand, Thappan etc.