When is Gangaur in 2016?, What is the date of Gauri Puja in 2016?, Gangaur Date, Gauri Puja date, Gowri Tritiya Date, When is Gauri Puja?, Andolan Tritiya, Sowbhagya Gauri Vratham, Chaitra Gowri Pooja, 9th April 2016
Gangaur is one of the most important and colorful festival celebrated by women in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Utter pradesh and madhya pradesh. It is a spring festival of harvest and marital bliss. Women worship goddess Gauri for good husband or for happy married life. Fairs, folklore’s, paintings and Mehandi are other important rituals of this festival.
During the Gangaur or gauri puja women observe fast for 18 days i.e they eat one meal a day. Gangaur is observed on the third day of shukla paksha in the hindu lunar month of Chaitram. In 2016, Gangaur is on Saturday, 9th April.