When is Gangaur in 2014?, What is the date of Gauri Puja in 2014? Gangaur Date, Gauri Puja date, Gowri Tritiya Date, When is Gauri Puja?, Andolan Tritiya, Sowbhagya Gauri Vratham, Chaitra Gowri Pooja, 2nd April 2014.
Gangaur or Gauri Puja is celebrated in North Indian states such as Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Gujarat. The prime deity of this festival is Godess Gauri. Gauri is the form of Godess parvathi before marriage.
According to Purnimant calenders, Gauri Puja celebrations starts on first day of the chaitra month i.e fifteen days before Ugadi/ Gudipadwa. This vratham / celebrations ends on shukla paksha tritiya of this month. Main gauri puja is also performed on this day. This year Gangaur date falls on Wednesday, 2nd April 2014.