When is Ganesh Nimajjanam in 2023?, Best dates for the ganesh visarjan, Vinayak immersion procession Dates, Good dates for celebrating Ganesh nimajjan, When to perform Ganesh Vissarjan?
Devotees install Ganesh idols on Ganesh Chaturthi day. They perform pujas to those idols. After a few days of these rituals and celebrations they perform a grand celebration known as Ganesh Visarjan or Vinayaka Nimajjanam. This day is considered as the last day of Vinayaka Chavithi Celebrations.
Generally Ganesh Visarjan is celebrated on the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or the 10th day from the Ganesh chaturthi festival. Many times last visarjan day celebrated on Anant Chaturdashi.
Here are the dates of Ganesh Visrjan for the of year 2023
First Ganesh Visarjan (one and half) day – 20th September 2023
Ganesh Visarjan after (3 days) – 21st September 2023
Ganesh Visarjan after (5 days) – 23rd September 2023
Ganesh Visarjan after (7 days) – 25th September 2023
Ananta Chaturdashi is the last day of Ganesh Visarjan and the date is – 28th September 2023