When is Ekadashi in November 2012?, 2012 November Ekadashi dates, Dates of Ekadashi in November 2012, November 2012 Dates for Ekadashi, Ekadashi dates in November 2012.
The eleventh day of a paksha is observed as Ekadashi. A month as per the lunra calendar has two Pakshas, Sukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha, 15 days each. Ekadashi is a Sanskrit word which means eleven in English and it is the thithi of the day. Ekadashi is a sacred day for the devotees of Lord Vishnu and is observed with great devotion by them. The Ekadashi dates for the month of November 2012 are as follows
10/11/2012 Rama Ekadashi
24/11/2012 Prabodini Ekadashi or Uthanna Ekadashi or Karthika Ekadashi or Devotthani Ekadashi
Devotees observe the Ekdashi Vrat to please Lord Vishnu and read the Ekadashi Vrat Katha.
The process of observing the Ekadashi Vrat can be read at Ekadashi Vrat Vidhan or Ekadashi Puja Process.