What is Dvidala Vrat?, What is Bahubeeja Vrat?
Dwidala Vratha is also known as Bahubeeja Vrata and is part of the Chaturmasa Vrata. Chaturmasa Vrata is four month Vrat and Dwidala Vratha is observed as the last part of Chaturmasa Vrata. This Vrata starts from Ashwayuja (Ashwin month) Shudda Dwadashi and ends on Karthika Shudda Dashami, i.e on the Vijayadasara Aradhana Day.
Dwidala Vrat is observed by only few Hindu communities. During Dwidala / Bahubeeja Vratha, People avoid grams, lentils and seeds that break into two or more parts. They only can take root vegetables or grams. So that all the daals can be avoided during this time.
Dwidala Vrat Sankalpa Mantra
Kartike dwidalam dhanyam VarjayiShye sada hare|
Imam karishye niyamam nivighnam kuru keshava||
Chatrumasya Vrat Samarpana Mantra
Idam vratam maya deva kritam prityai tava prabho|
Nyunam sampurnatam yatu tvatprasadajjanarda na||
The following items can be used during Dvidala vrata
Rice, Wheat, Jeera, Black Pepper, sesame Seeds, Coconut, coconut Milk, jaggari, Curry leaves, Banana, root vegetables like potatos, Spinach, Ginger, Mustard, Goose Berry, turmeric, ghee, milk, curd and Mustard.
These items should not be used during Dvidala vrata
All daals, red and green chillies, tamarind, Coriander leaves or Dhaniya and Most of the vegetables.