Dwadasha means Twelve, Dwadasha Pitru Devatalu means Twelve Pitru Devatalu. Dwadasha pitru devatalu include Matru Varga, Pitru Varga, Mata Maha Varga and Mata Mahi Varga.
Pitru Varga – Pitru Traya – Pitru, pita Maha, Pra Pita Maha
Matru Varga – Matru Traya – Matru, Pita Mahi, Pra Pita Mahi
Here is the list of Dwadasha Pitru Devatalu:
Number | Relationship | How to address the Pithru? (Asmath) |
1 | Father | Pitharam (Vasu Roopa) |
2 | Grand Father (Father’s Father) | Pithamaham (Rudra Roopa) |
3 | Great Grand Father (Father’s Grand Father) | Prapithaamaham (Aaditya Roopa) |
4 | Mother | Maatharam (Vasu Roopa) |
5 | Paternal Grand Mother (Father’s Mother) | Pithaamahim (Rudra Roopa) |
6 | Paternal Great Grand Mother (Father’s Grand Mother) | Prapithamahim (Aaditya Roopa) |
7 | Maternal Grand Father (Mother’s father) | Maathamaham (Vasu Roopa) |
8 | Maternal Great Grand Father (Mother’s paternal Grand father) | Maathu Pithamaham (Rudra Roopa) |
9 | Maternal Great Great Grand Father (Mother’s Great Grand Father) | Maathu- Prapithaamaham (Aaditya Roopa) |
10 | Maternal Grand Mother (Mother’s Mother) | Maathaamahim (Vasu Roopa) |
11 | Maternal Great Grand Mother (Mother’s paternal Grand Mother) | Maathu Pithamahim (Rudra Roopa) |
12 | Maternal Great Great Grand Mother (Mother’s paternal Great Grand Mother) | Mathu- Prapithaamahim (Aaditya Roopa) |