Danurmasam, Dhanu Masam Dates, When is Dhanu Month in 2013?, Danur Month Dates, Dhanur Masa 2013 – 2014
The word “Dhanurmasam” is a combination of two words, Dhanu and masam. Dhanu suggests that, it belongs to Sagittarius sign and Masam means month. Dhanurmasam begins on Dhanu Sankranti day and ends on Makara Sankranti Festival. It is also known as Margazhi masam in tamil calender. This month is celebrated in a grand manner by Vaishnava sect. This year, Dhanurmasam starts on 16th December 2013 and ends on Monday 13th January 2014.
Vishnu temples are decorated and special pujas and rituals are performed in Dhanurmasam. Tiruppavai and Tiruvempavai are recited in temples and homes. Godadevi Kalyanam at Tirumala is the major event celebrated during Dhanurmasam. Dhanurmasa Vratham and Katyayani Vratham also observed during this month. Reading Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram, Purusha Sooktham and Narayana Upanishad are considered auspicious in Dhanurmasam.