When is Chitirai month in 2015?, Chithirai Masam Dates, Tamil Chitirai month Dates, Chithirai Masam tamil calender
Tamil calender starts with the Chithirai masam. First day of this month is observed as the Tamil new year Puthandu/Varusha pirappu. This calender fallows Surya Siddhanta. Ecah month of tamil calender begins on Sankraman day. According to it this calender begins on Mesha Sankranti day.
Puthandu, Chithirai Pournami are the most important festivals in this month. Famous Chithirai thiruvizha is celebrated in Madurai Meenakshi Amma temple. This year (2015), Chithirai Masam starts on 14th April and ends on 14th May. Auspicious days in this month are
Amavasai (April 18)
Muruga Sashti (April 24)
Chithirai Pournami (May 4)
Pillayar Sankashti Chaturthi (May 7)