This vrat has to be performed when an ashtami falls on the sukla paksha and it should be a Wednesday. The eight day of waxing moon on a Wednesday.
On this day we have to pray to the Budha Graha for his blessings.
One has to fast the whole day and eat only the offering that has been offered to the Lord Budha.
For performing the pooja one needs an unpeeled green cocnunt, a vessel (kalash), a 8 grams silver or gold coin with a picture of Budha or Budha idol.
One has to fill the kalash (vessel) with water pur the silver or gold coin in it. Place the green coconut on top of it and place this at a place which is at a height greater than where we sit. Normally over a small table.
Then one has to do the normal pooja and finally pray to lord Budha After praying one has to offer eatables and eat only these for that day.
This vrat has to be done consecutively for 8 times and then the silver or the gold coin can be given to a Brahmin who can perform the Budha pooja or one needs to keep praying on every Budha Ashtami to that gold or silver coin.
One who performs this vrat regularly will have the power to witness he past seven lives. He will gain wealth and also will escape from going to hell. There is a story which clearly helps us how people got rid of going to hell.