Anang Vrat, Ananga Trayodashi vrat, Anang Fast, Chaitra Shukla Paksha Trayodashi, What is Anang Trayodashi?, Margashirsha shukla Trayodashi
Anang Trayodashi is a fast observed in respect to Lord Shiva.This Vrat is observed on Shukla paksha trayodashi of chaitra month. Usually this ritual is observed in Gujarat and Maharashtra. In north India, Anang Trayodashi observed on Margashirsha shukla Trayodashi. The rituals and puja procedures may differ slightly according to the region.
Anang Trayodashi fast is described in Garuda Purana. This vrat is observed throughout the year, i.e on every thirteenth day of the Shukla Paksha of each month. By observing Anang trayodashi Vrat will provide prosperity, health, wealth and good fortune.
During Anang Trayodashi vrat, devotees also worship Rati and Kama. During the puja people offer flowers and fruits to the God Shiva and perform Shodashopachara (16 step) puja. Grand celebrations will be performed at Kandarp Ishwar of Ujaain.
Kandarp Ishwar Darshan – Anang Trayodashi
Kamdev is also known as Kandarp. Ujaain Kandarp Ishwar darshan is considered verymuch auspicious on this day. It is also belived that visiting this temple on anang trayodashi will attain moksha.
Significance of Anang Trayodashi
Lord Shiva explained rati about rebirth of kamdev in form of Praduman and also the importance of the Anang Trayodashi. Devotees who observe this vrat will get happiness, wealth and marital bliss.