When is Aashad Masam in 2015?, Ashadhi Month 2015, Aashad Month 2015, Aashada Maas Dates, Aashada Mahina 2015 Dates, When is Aashad month in 2015?, Aashada Mahina Dates
Aashada masam is fourth and one of the important month in the Lunar Hindu calender. This month belongs to Lord Vamana. Aashada month marks the beginning of Dakshinayana and Chaturmasya Vrat.
This year Aashada month starts on 2nd July 2015 and ends on 1st August 2015 in purnimant calenders. Yogini Ekadashi, Jagannatha Ratha yatra, Deva Shayani Ekadashi and Guru Purnima are the major festivals in this month.
In Amavasyant Calenders, Aashada month falls between 17th July 2015 and 15th August 2015. Jagannatha Ratha yatra, Deva Shayani Ekadashi, Guru Purnima and Kamika Ekadashi are the major festivals in this month. Purnima (full Moon day) during Aashad month is called as Aashad Purnima. This day is also celebrated as Guru purnima. Honoring the Gurus (teachers), who have taught us the Vidya is the main ritual performed during this day.
This year we have two Aashada months known as Adhika Aashada masam and Nija Aashada masam (regular). Adhika Aashada masam falls between 17th June 2015 and 17th July 2015 in amavasyant Calenders, 3rd June 2015 and 2nd July 2015 in Purnimat calenders.