When is Vamana Ekadasi 2013 , Vamana Ekadasi 2013 date, Vaman Ekadasi Date
Vamana Ekadashi is observed on Bhadrapada Sukla Paksha Ekadashi or the eleventh day of the bright moon phase of the month of Bhadrapada of Lunar calendar. Vamana Ekadashi of this year will be observed on Sunday, 15th September 2013.
Vamana Ekadashi Vrat is observed on Vamana Ekadashi. Visitng of temples of Lord Vishnu and especially Lord Vamana is auspicious. It is believed that demon King Bali was pushed to the nether world or Patala Loka on the Vamana Ekadashi day. Devotees of Lord Vishnu would observe the Ekadashi vrat by fasting for the whole day of Vamana Ekadashi and eat only on the Dwadashi day or the next day. Devotees who are observing the Vamana Ekadashi Vrat should stay awake the whole night of Vamana Ekadashi.
Vamana Ekadashi is also known as Jayanti Ekadashi, Parsva or Parsava Ekadashi , Parvartini or Parivartana Ekadashi.