When is Onam in 2014 ? , Onam 2014 date.
Onam the festival of Kerala, is celebrated on September 7th 2014.
Onam is the common name for Thiruonam the last of the ten day festival, which is celebrated as a welcome to their king Bali by his people.Kerala was once ruled by King Bali, who after his donation of three steps to Vamana the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was forced to move to Patala Loka.
As a mark of his donation, he was awarded with a boon to return to his kingdom once in an year. This returning of the king Bali to his kingdom is Thiruonam or Onam. The ten day festival before Thiruonam is as below
Day | Festival |
First Day | Atham |
Secnd Day | Chitira |
Third Day | Chodhi |
Fourth Day | Visakam |
Fifth Day | Anizham |
Sixth Day | Thriketa |
Seventh Day | Moolam |
Eighth Day | Pooradam |
Ninth Day | Uthardam |
Tenth Day | Thiruvonam |