Makara Sankranthi 2041 Date, Sankranthi date, Makar Sankranti 2041, Makar Sankranti Date, When is Makar Sankranti in 2041?
The day when sun transits into Makara Rashi (Capricorn) from Dhanu Rashi (Saggitarus) is known as Makara Sankranti. Makara Sankranti falls on Monday, 14th January 2041.
One of the biggest harvest festivals of India is Makara Sankranti. Hence Makara Sankranti is celebrated all over India with joy. Makara Sankranti also starts the Uttarayana Punya Kalam as per the lunar Calendar. For Gods the day is for six months (uttarayan) and night for six months(Dakshinayan). Makara Sankranti is the start of the day for Gods.
Makara Sankranti is a well known festival but with different names in different parts of the country. It is known as Maghi in North India, Pongal in Tamil Nadu etc. Prepartion and distribution of sweets is common during Makara Sankranti.
Kite flying is a ritual in some parts of the country.