As per hindu calendar a month has two parts, sukla paksham (paksham is equal to fifteen days) and krishna paksham. Always in a month Sukla Paksham comes first it is when the moon starts to build up from padyami (first day of month) to poornima (last day of a paksham) and krishna paksham starts on the day immediately of poornima and the Moon starts to fade until the moon is no longer visible and that day is called Amavasya.
A week in telugu is called as Varam
Below are the names of weekdays in Telugu
Sunday Aadi Varam
Monday Soma Varam
Tuesday Mangala Varam
Wednesday Budha Varam
Thursday Guru Varam
Friday Sukra Varam
Saturday Sani Varam
Below are the Thitis of a month as per the telugu calender:
- Padyami (first day)
- Vidiya
- Tadiya
- Chaviti, Chaturdhi
- Panchami
- Sashti
- Saptami
- Ashtami
- Navami
- Dasami
- Ekadashi, Ekadasi
- Dwadasi
- Trayodasi, Triyodasi
- Chathurdasi, Chaturdasi
- Poornima or Amavasya (Then end of a paksham)
All the fourteen days are same except for Amavasya and Poornima. Poornima and Amavsya are the end of a paksham. Amavasya signifies the last day of a Telugu month.Seeing above you can clearly observe that all the fesitval names are like adding the god name to the day on which it is celebrated.For example:Vinayaka Chaturdhi/ Chaviti : The name itself suggests that it falls on the fourth day of the month and is of God Vinayaka/Ganesha.Durgashatami: Eight day of the month and of God Durga.Dusheera: celebrated on the tenth day of the month.
Jan 03. 2015
Sukla Trutiya & Sudda Tadiya both are same or different ? please clarify.
Thanks in advance.