
Vinayaka Chavithi 2015 date

When is Vinayaka Chavithi 2015 ?, Ganesh Chaturthi 2015, Vinayaka Chaturthi 2015

 Vinayaka Cahvithi is observed on the fourth day of the waxing phase of the moon in the month of Bhadrapada as per lunar calendar. If adhika Masam comes then Vinayaka Cahvithi is observed only in the Nija Bhadrapada Masam. This year Vinayaka Chavithi is observed on September 17th 2015.

Vinayaka Chavithi is observed to celebrate the birthday of Lord Ganesha. It is also on Vinayaka Chavithi that Lord Ganesha was made the head of all Vighnas (Obstacles). As Lord Ganesha is the head of all obstacles, it is mandatory that Lord Ganesha is worshiped first before starting any thing which also includes Puja. So even for performing any Puja, Lord Ganesha must be worshiped first, so that there are no obstacles while performing the Puja. The best way to get the blessings of Lord Ganesha is by worshiping his idol which is prepared from clay.

The main ritual of Vinayaka Chavithi is to worship Lord Ganesha with 21 different kinds of leaves which is known as EkaVimshati Patrani Puja. All these 21 varieties of leaves are available in and around open areas, gardens near our houses. These leaves have medicinal values and can be used to cure most of the common problems.

Our ancestors have come up with Vinayaka Chavithi so that we can remember and use the plants that are in and around us and be healthy. In olden days people used to roam in the gardens, open lands and collect the 21 different leaves there by knowing each plant. Thus they were able to identify the plant and also use it according to their needs.

There is a relation between Moon and Vinayaka Chavithi, which is explained in the Vinayaka Chavithi Vrat Katha. It is also a mandate to read the Vinayaka Cahvithi Vrat Katha after the Puja of Lord Ganesha.

Vinayaka Chavithi Vrat Katha.