
Ugadi 2032 Date

Yugadi, When is Ugadi in 2032?, Ugadi 2032, Ugadi Date, Ugadi Festival 2032

Ugadi 2032 Date

Ugadi is the first day of the waxing moon phase in the month of Chaitram of Telugu calendar or Chaitra suddha Padyami or Chaitra Sukla Paksha Padyami. Ugadi this year is observed or celebrated on Saturday, 10th April, 2032.

Ugadi is the celebrated as the Telugu new year in Andhra Pradesh. Ugadi is the start of the new year for all the Telugu people.  On Ugadi people prepare Ugadi Pacchadi and is eaten and distributed among friends and relatives. Ugadi Pacchadi is a mixture of all the tastes and each taste signifies a feeling of human beings. After eating Ugadi Pacchadi Panchanga Sravanam is done, where in, the future of each person based on the Rashi is read out.

Ugadi is celebrated with different names like Gudi Padwa, Choti Chand, Thappan etc.