
Sankranti Calendar 2048

Monthly Sankranthi Dates in 2048, Sankranti Dates in 2048

When Sun transits from one zodiac to the next is known as the Sankraman time. According to Hindu Solar calendar there are total twelve Sankraman times in a year. All these twelve Sankraman days called as sankranti days. Among all Sankranti days, Makar Sankranti is the most popular one and it is celebrated throughout India.

During the sankranti days, Daan and charity activities are considered auspicious.

Date Day Sankranthi Name
15th January 2048WednesdayMakar Sankranti
13th February 2048ThursdayKumbha Sankranti
14th March 2048SaturdayMeena Sankranti
14th April 2048TuesdayMesha Sankranti
14th May 2048ThursdayVrishabha Sankranti
15th June 2048MondayMithuna Sankranti
16th July 2048ThursdayKarka Sankranti
16th August 2048SundaySimha Sankranti
16th September 2048WednesdayKanya Sankranti
17th October 2048SaturdayTula Sankranti
16th November 2048MondayVrischika Sankranti
16th December 2048WednesdayDhanu Sankranti