
Ravi Pushya Yoga 2040 Dates

Ravi Pushya Nakshatram 2040, Ravi Pushya Amrit, Ravi Pushya Yog 2040 Dates and Time, Ravi Pushya Yogam, When is Ravi Pushya Yoga in 2040?, Ravi Pushya Yoga 2040 calender

When pushya nakshatra falls on a Sun day, this combination is known as Ravi Pushya Yoga. According to Hindu astrology any task that is initiated during this time will be successful. People believe that shopping during this time brings Goddess Lakshmi to the home.

Here we are providing auspicious Ravi Pushya Yoga timings in 2040 for Hyderabad (India) Location. These dates and times may vary by region.

DateDayStart TimeEnd Time
01st January 2040Sunday 08:42 AMNext Day 06:50 AM
29th January 2040Sunday 06:53 AM05:30 PM
02nd September 2040Sunday11:28 PMNext Day 06:06 AM
30th September 2040Sunday 06:50 AMNext Day 06:10 AM
28th October 2040Sunday06:17 AM05:52 PM