
Ratha Saptami 2013 Date

Rathsaptami, Ratha Sapthami, When is Ratha Saptami in 2013?, Ratha Saptami 2013, Ratha Saptami Date

Ratha Saptami 2013

Ratha Saptami falls on the Magha Sukla Paksha Saptami i.e on the seventh day of the waxing phase of the moon in the month of Magha. This year Ratha Saptami is celebrated on  Sunday, 17th February, 2013.

The rituals to be followed during Ratha Saptami

1) Should get up before sunrise and take head bath by placing Arka or Jilledu or Ekka leaves on seven different part of the body head, two shoulders, two thighs,one on the chest and one on the back.

2) The above process of bathing has to be done thrice repeating the Mantra “Sapta Sapta Maha Sapta, Sapta Dweepa Vasundhra , Sapta Arka Parnamaadaya, Saptami Ratha Saptami”.

3) After finishing the bath, all family members should pray to the sun God while milk is being boiled. When the milk overflows while boiling it should be thought of as offering to the sun God and should do a Namaskara to the overflowing milk.

4) This should be repeated for the three times.

5) Paramannam (A recipe made of Rice, Jaggery and Milk) should be prepared using the above milk.

6) On this day, rangoli is drawn as Rath.