
Rama Navami 2037 Date

Ramnavmi, Ramanavami, Srirama Navami, Sree Rama Navami, When is Rama navami in 2037?, Rama Navami 2037, Rama Navami Date

Rama Navami 2037

Rama Navami is the ninth day of the waxing moon phase in the month of Chaitram of Telugu calendar or Chaitra suddha Navami or Chaitra Sukla Paksha Navami. Rama Navami this year is observed or celebrated on Thursday, 26th March, 2037.

The day when Lord Rama and Sita were married is observed as Shri Rama Navami. Few of the devotees believe that Rama Navami is the birth day of Lord Shri Rama. In south India all the temples of Lord Shri Rama perform the marriage of Lord Shri Rama with Sita. The marriage or SitaRama Kalyanam of Bhadrachalam is very famous. The government of Andhra Pradesh would offer the Lord Silk clothes and pearls. Paankam and Vadapappu are offered as Naivedyam and distributed among the devotees. Paanakam is a drink prepared by adding Jaggery and Pepper to water, while Vadapappu is soaked Moong Dal. Reading of Ramayana on Rama Navami is one of the ritual, which is believed to bring a lot of virtue (Punya).