
Mahalaya Amavasya 2040 Date

Mahalaya Amavasi, Mahalaya Amavas, When is Mahalaya Amavasya in 2040?, Mahalaya Amavasya 2040, Mahalaya Amavasya Date

Mahalaya Amavasya is the new moon day of Mahalaya Paksha, the fortnight which is especially sacred for offering Tharpanam and Shradh to the ancestors. People believe that performing Tarpana and Shradh during the Mahalaya Paksha will please the ancestors and will free them from all their sins.

Ancestors spirits will be come down to the Earth during the Mahalaya Paksha. Mahalaya Paksha falls in the month the of Ashwin according to north indian purnimant calenders. As per south indian amavasant calenders it falls in the month of Bhadrapada. In 2040, Mahalaya Amavasya is on Friday, 5th October.