
Hartalika Teej 2035 Date

Hartalika Teej 2035

When is Hartalika Teej in 2035?, Hartalika Teej Vrat 2035, Hartalika Teej Fasting 2035 Date, Hartalika Tritiya

Hartalika Teej festival is celebrated ingrand manner in North Indian states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. During Haritalika Teej women observe fast, worship clay idols Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It is believed that Goddess Parvati will bless those women who observe the Teej Vrat.

Haralika Teej falls on the 3rd day of the waxing moon period in the month of Bhadra. In 2035, Haralika Teej date is (Tuesday) 4th  September, 2035.

Also See,  Hartalika Teej Vrat Katha and How to perform Hartalika Teej Vrat.