
Garuda Panchami 2012

Garuda Panchami

When is Garuda Panchami 2012?, Garuda Panchami 2012 date

Garuda Panchami

Garuda Panchami is celebrated on Shravana Sukla Panchami or the fifth day of the waxing moon phase of the Shravana Month. This year Garuda Panchami is celebrated on 23th July 2012.

On this day Lord Garuda or Lord Garuthmantha is worshipped. Garuda Panchami marks the Victory of Lord Garuda over all the odds in getting AMRUTHAM, the sacred nectar to free his mother from slavery. Lord Garuthmantha is the Vahana or Vehicle of Lord Vishnu the all mighty.

<a href=”http://Hindusphere.com/naga-panchami/”>Naga Panchami</a> also falls on the same day as Garuda Panchami.