
Chandra Grahan 2019 Dates

Chandra Grahanam, Lunar Eclipse dates in 2019, Chandra Grahan 2019 Calender, When is Chandra Grahan in 2019?

Chandra Grahan (Or Lunar Eclipse) occur when a moon on purnima day passes through Earth’s shadow. There are different types of Chandra Grahanam’s. We have a couple of Chandra Grahan in 2019. Grahan has some spiritual importance in hindu communities. Some observe fast and perform special puja’s on this day.

Here is the Chandra Grahan 2019 Calendar.

DateType of GrahanLocations
20th /21st Jan, 2019TotalEurope, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic
16/17th July, 2019PartialMuch of Europe, Much of Asia, Australia, Africa, South/East North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica